E-learning platform: Microsoft Classroom
Microsoft Classroom in an attempt of Microsoft to enter LMC area that it mostly dominated by Moodle. In Slovenia most of schools use Moodle on national level, hosted by Arnes (Academic and Research Network of Slovenia): https://ucilnice.arnes.si, which use AAI system of digital personalization (https://aai.arnes.si) as gateway to use all of Arnes services. MS Classroom uses Office 365 as its platform and is fully integrated with most of apps, that are included in Office 365 system. Users can organize multiple class sections, create and grade assignments, collaborate with other teachers in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), and provide feedback to students. Microsoft Classroom has a OneNote Class Notebook built into every class, allowing teachers to create assignments with due dates, complete with Outlook calendar events and reminders. School Data Sync saves teachers time by automatically creating groups and enabling single sign on to apps in Office 365.
Teachers can help students to express their inner creativity, and make learning more effective and engaging with new tools like Sway for interactive class materials or dynamic presentations. New Learning Tools help students improve their reading and writing skills across a broad range of unique student abilities and learning styles. Students can collaborate on assignments and co-author documents in Office Online, Office desktop, or Office mobile.
Microsoft Forms is available for teachers to easily and quickly create basic surveys, quizzes, questionnaires, registrations and more. With Microsoft School Data Sync, administrator can easily mirror data from your Student Information System (SIS) into Office 365 and Azure Active Directory, automate provisioning of online classrooms and teacher and student accounts. Any classroom application can access the encrypted cloud-based data through the API. Classroom is still in preview and is supposed to launch in next months. On May 22nd, Microsoft announced, that at the close of the school year, they will be retiring Microsoft Classroom Preview. Some features of Microsoft Classroom Preview will evolve to become part of Microsoft Teams in Office 365 for Education.