The PROCSEE mission is to establish systematic structures in the south & east Europe (SEE) region to enable policy-recommendations in professional higher education (PHE) and best-practice sharing among leading actors in the field.
The PROCSEE vision is to enhance excellence in PHE by focusing on four specific areas:
• Alignment of VET with regional/local economic development strategies
• Promotion of VET, especially to respond to identified skill shortages
• Organising and monitoring student placements in the world of work
• Personal Learning Environments and Further Education
The project has a Policy approach. It was designed to support the policy cycle, and lead to the development of SMART policy recommendations, with one Work Package dedicated to each phase of policy development as indicated in the diagram below:
The EC Communication on “Rethinking Education: Investing in Skills for Better socio-economic outcomes” highlights significant discrepancies between countries across Europe in their development of HVET/PHE. It specifically points out that while some European countries have world-class VET/PHE systems (Germany, Austria, Denmark and the Netherlands), many others, typically in central and south east Europe (CSEE), lag behind in terms of participation, quality outcomes and attractiveness. This motivates our decision to contribute to European policy-making by focusing on policy-interventions in the CSEE region.
The project will make the following specific contributions:
- Problematisation statements, outlining the main challenges facing the HVET/PHE systems in the participating countries, with respect to the priority thematic areas outlined in this application (D1.3 – National Priority Statements)
- A regional overview of the challenges with respect to PHE in the CSEE region as a whole (D1.5 – PHE Excellence Policy Challenge Statement)
- A database of best-practices, showing effective policy innovations, analysed for impact of the specific interventions (D2.1 – Database of Best-Practice Case Studies)
- A policy-toolbox, containing recommendations for the most appropriate interventions to accelerate change in the 4 priority areas, and address the challenges identified above, within the CSEE region (D2.4 – PHE Excellence in CSEE: A Policy-Intervention Toolbox)
- National Implementation Plans in each participating country, which will suggest the specific actions from the toolbox which will be most effective in the national context (in particular at institutional level), and set out an implementation timetable and monitoring framework for the interventions. (D3.2 – Achieving PHE Excellence: Guidelines for Policy Intervention in Slovenia, Croatia, Greece and Czech Republic)
- Strengthening Professional Higher Education and VET in Central & South Eastern Europe/ PROCSEE
- A detailed description of the PROCSEE approach at policy identification, design, implementation and evaluation, to allow the approach to be replicated in other contexts (D4.2 – PROCSEE Policy Development Approach)
- A set of priorities for future policy development, for the period 2019-2020, immediately after the end of the project (D4.4 – Mid-Term Priorities & Operational Plan for the Centre for PHE Excellence)