Intelligent Multimedia e-learning Portal
The aim of the Advanced Learning Spaces (ALS) was to design, develop and implement an intelligent e-learning portal with full multimedia support and friendly user interface at the Department of Mechatronics and Informatics and Interdisciplinary Studies at Technical University of Liberec. Heavy impact was placed to advanced forms of e-learning media, mainly live streaming and multimedia archive accessible at the learners own volition and needs.
The portal was oriented at the cooperation with the industry good practice to strengthen the link between theory and practice, to encourage further education and promote closer cooperation between the academic and industrial sector.
The project produced over 100 live streamed lectures, instructional multimedia content, e-learning and blended learning support. It allows learner to study at their own speed, form and style. It also encouraged the academic staff to actively participate in ICT based learning environment, to learn new and innovative teaching methods and seek feedback from the industry representatives.