Quality at PHE – VSSKV

The process of quality assurance at VSŠKV is supported by systematic self-evaluation, which involves all stakeholders in the institution: students, lecturers, instructors, assistants, mentors, management and other employees at the school. The evaluation has been carried out once a year since 2013, key indicators (such as transparency, accessibility of study materials, students’ performance, teaching process, quality of practical training etc) are monitored. Goal of the comprehensive evaluation is to show the current state and design new measures to improve and develop study programme, which follows to new trends on the professional field and answers to students and labour market needs.

For the purposes of quality assurance at VSŠKV works a Quality Assurance Commission, which has five members: a quality counselor, management representative, student representative, lecturer representative and representative of employers. Commission monitors and boosts development of systematic and planned measures toward higher quality of teaching process and study program and creates annual self-evaluation report with suggested improvements to school authorities such as Strategic Council and Student Council. Next to it the Quality Commission creates the annual self-evaluation plan, establishes new quality indicators that will be monitored. The results are the basis for identifying gaps and problems in study process, search for solutions and the introduction of improvements for even and efficiency of study programs at VSŠKV.