Care of the Career Path of Graduates in Nursing Care (Medical College, Prague)
The Nursing Study Programme, including the fields of study General Nursing and Midwifery, has all the attributes of modern nursing care with an interdisciplinary and multi-profession nature. The programme encompasses nursing care of healthy individuals and illnesses with an emphasis on a bio- and psycho-social point of view.
Students are taught to make their own decisions based on their theoretical and practical knowledge and experience. There is traditionally a strong link between cooperation of the college and world of work. The college policy is based on the need of European work market and reflects their needs and the needs of Czech institutions. Placements and practical aspects of study programmes are closely coordinated with their needs and with the professional interests of students. School placement coordinator cooperates with numerous hospitals and students can select the most convenient position. College uses general placement agreements and descriptions of individual professional content. These materials are worked out in advance before the placement starts. The extent of a placement is about two months within a study year, its’ timetable was coordinated with the needs of the hospitals and other healthcare institutions (most often is is one day per week, but in the case of an international placement it could be two full months).
Another link with world of work is the fact that many renowned specialists take part in teaching at the college. The school has created a methodology of quality control of placements and other parts of the study programme. There is a structured feedback from students and from hospitals as well. This feedback influences the content of the school curriculum. Students are familiar with their career path.
Feedback: Students and Employees
Medical College (VSZ) monitors and analyzes the needs of the institution, employees and students in order to ensure the highest quality. Educational and creative activities of the school are based on current knowledge and experience; and their international character is promoted and developed, including cooperation of institutions and experts and students’ and staff mobility.
The following procedures are used to quantify and qualify the benefits of internships and mobility: SWOT analysis, establishing an action plan, setting a timetable, content and procedure for the submission of applications, selection procedure, selection criteria, sustainability, feedback (report, interview, group evaluation (1), electronic questionnaire-internet mobility tool), internal, external evaluation – reports to the National Agency, in compliance with the profile and needs of participants and institutions involved, impact on the institution (progress, development and exchange of best practices, mutual learning), student’s results, credits earned, employability, communication, awareness (internal / external thematic meetings, student parliament, academic council), presentation of examples of good practices. The data collected are related to the fulfillment of the plan, ensuring the adequate level of material, technical and personnel and their compliance with the type of study and the objectives. Evaluation of nursing documentation is also involved. Evaluations are carried out on multiple levels by the student.
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