Multimedia Creative Team Works for Business

This project helps to deal with two sorts of problems: need of university to get closer to world of work and need of small firms to promote themselves without paying their own marketing department. It does not have a traditional form of placement, but de facto it is a placement, which enables students to use their theoretic knowledge in a practical way for commercial activities during their study and get some money for it. This activity started at the University of Economics in Prague in 2012. Graphic and Multimedia Laboratory (GML), which creates this project mainly for students of „Multimedia in Economic Practice“ is the provider of this project.  The project has its own Traffic Manager, who coordinates activities, ensures quality control, and calculates invoices for student’s services and mentors students, if possible. Special facebook page has been created, in which students can find requests of firms who need to create photos, posters, and other graphic materials. This page works as an e-shop; students can register there and ask for any order from above mentioned requests. It is a commercial service. Earned money goes to GML and to the particular student as well.