Digital Online Verification of Skills
Vyšší odborná škola publicistiky (VOŠP; College of Journalism and Media) has been running an international project focused on providing the digitalized tool for ECVET implementation. The tool (plugin/application) is designed to connect to the LMS the institution uses and simplify the process of ECVET inclusion by data transfer, multiple party access, modular system of units of learning outcome creation and handling and skill set creation support. Unlike the study programme and curriculum, the ECVET focuses on single skills and competences and their combination – much like the interest of current employers. By training, honing, approving and assessing individual skills the system allows all stakeholders to set up the tasks and demands the industry truly craves, and restructure gained skills into desired skill sets to meet the demand.
The system also allows the institution to analyse the learners’ previous experience and skills/knowledge/competence, acknowledge them and assess their level.
The employers’ inclusion is minimized into the initial input and check-box evaluation once the skills/competences have been demonstrated. No detailed explanation of the system is needed to prevent deterring effect.
The system encourages the students to employ their own e-portfolio where the skill sets (representing professions/specializations) can be described, grouped as desired, provided with evidence from the learner’s experience and represented by a badge (containing metadata) to be placed at the user’s discretion – CV, Linked-In profile, web, etc.