National portal on qualifications and occupations as a base for students’ study programme choice
While searching for a study programme and all the way through the decision-making process, prospective students use a wide range of information sources that influence their final choice decision for a certain study programme and higher education institution.
A useful information source available at the National central undergraduate and graduate application portal (e.i. and is the report about the certain occupation deficits in the Republic of Croatia and its counties. This attempt derived from the synergy of two Croatian ministries: Ministry of Science and education and Ministry of labour, the data already existent within ministries was connected and Croatia introduced its qualifications and occupations defficites in which each of its 25 qualifications sectors and sub sectors are clearly described.
Such information useful for educational providers, policy makers, general public and potential students because it reveals valuable information for new study programs planning as well as for career selection, highly improved overall information on labor market and higher education sector interrelation.