National qualifications and occupations portal
Through connecting data already existent within ministries of Science and education and Ministry of labour, Croatia introduced its qualifications and occupations portal in which each of its 25 qualifications sectors and sub sectors are clearly described. Info such as long term employment and unemployment trend per occupations and correspondence between qualification and occupations in which persons got employed are crucial for planning new study programs and identification of relevant industries that should be involved (in order to develop study programs and hence qualifications that best correspond to numerous occupations alumni achieved in the past after finishing certain programs).
Portal is targeted towards educational providers, policy makers, general public and potential students because it reveals valuable information for new study programs planning as well as for career selection. With outputs such as distribution of destination occupations per qualification, long term employment trends, gender structure per occupation and sector, average net salary, type of employment agreement, etc., this portal highly improved overall information on labour market and education interrelation.
Sustainability of the portal is achieved through automatic data collection and interchange between various institutions relevant for education and employment.