Teaching Quality Assurance Manual: Teaching Quality Assurance
The Teaching Quality Assurance Manual (TQA Manual) is a resource for staff and students containing the processes which underpin the quality of learning and teaching at the University of Exeter.
The Ordinances of the University are made by Council to amplify the meaning of the Statutes which sit above them. The Codes of Practice and Procedures in the TQA Manual contain principles and standards designed to control or govern conduct, or provide direction at a more detailed level than Ordinances.
Self and peer assessment are important aspects of ‘assessment for learning’ practice.
Assessing their own work or that of others can help students to develop their understanding of the Intended Learning Outcomes and the Assessment Criteria. Research has shown that learners make more progress when they are actively involved in their own learning and assessment.
Self and Peer Assessment will:
- Enhance students’ active engagement with their studies
- Increase the amount of feedback students receive
- Augment learning as peer feedback invariably requires explanation and justification
- Help students understand what is considered good work and why, thereby increasing their ability to achieve