System of Higher Vocational Colleges staff accreditation
Since its establishment and beginning 20 years ago the main purpose of Higher Vocational Colleges (HVC) system was to improve knowledge exchange and responsiveness to regional labour market needs. With this in mind government and competent Ministry during the years prepared the whole set of legislation to ensure a sustainable system of development, formation, accreditation and provision of HVC programs. Part of that are the Rules and criteria for teachers and staff in HVC which states that HVC lecturers need to be appointed into (gain) the title of HVC lecturer, acquiring a university education in respective field, teaching qualifications, at least 3 years of respective working experience in business sector and visible achievements in their field of expertise. The legislation regulates the procedures of verification of basic requirements and visible achievements of the candidates in their fields of expertise within both institutional management and external body of Accreditation Committee (at the Ministry) every 5 years. The system is supported with detailed instructions, propositions, documents and forms. It helps assuring that HVCs engage best experts as lecturers on narrow key professional fields, employed on part-time basis or sharing the employment with their companies / other institutions within the region. This in many cases strengthens the PHIs partnerships with local businesses and stakeholder institutions on many levels as well (external lecturers take the roles of placements / internship mentors, graduation thesis mentors, represent the link between their companies and PHEI in other initiatives and projects …