Dual Study programmes by VW Group and DHBW
Dual study programmes are an emerging hybrid form of higher education, which offer the participant the opportunity to complete a degree programme at a higher education institution whilst simultaneously receiving a certification of practical vocational training or work experience in a company.
In addressing high youth unemployment as well as employability gaps, dual study programmes offer significant potential because they affectively close the gap between education and the world of work, resulting in better qualified and skills graduates, who might even emerge with a job already upon completion. This case highlights this largely unknown (outside of German-speaking countries) phenomena, which starts with students being employed by a company to undertake a bachelor, vocational qualification and internship in one.
With its origins in Germany, this case highlights dual study programmes from two perspectives: the HEI perspective through the example of Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) and the Volkswagen Group from the business perspective.