OCW principles in blended learning curriculum development

In case of personal learning environments the arrangement of the educational process is a key concern. Consequently, the elaboration of tranining management programmes (LMS, LCMS) can facilitate the promotion of the digital organisation efforts of the given institution.

Intellectual resources and the curriculum are closely connected to the above issues. While certain content development and learning management-related best practices are available at the institutional level, there are no generally applicable best practices and the adoption of the experiences obtained in various fields represents a substantial challenge on the national level as well.

Another problem is the elaboration of a formally compatible curriculum responding to labour market and educational needs while bearing relevance to the required equipment and the respective subject content. In order to achieve this goal trainers have to renew their methodological arsenal and instructors should be provided continuous training to prepare them for teaching in the new learning environment. In Hungarian higher education the Moodle LMS is used most frequently. Moodle LMS capable to publish SCORM based OCW learning materials. In Eger more university level programme have complete learning materials portfolio (eg. library and information).

In Eger there is an institutional online repository where the complete online collection is available: digitar.uni-eger.hu.