The PROCSEE Expert Group that worked on Theme 2 – Promotion of PHE in Responding to Skills Shortages, developed the following Recommendations for the Challenges identified:
- T2 – Promotion of PHE in Responding to Skill Shortages
- Creating close and meaningful partnerships between the institutions of PHE and other actors from the world of work (both public and private entities, including for-profit and non-for-profit sector) that will envisage all activities such as curriculum design, evaluation, assessment, practical training, permeability between industry and teaching career, research projects and others) of the institution
- Collecting relevant data; analysing and reporting it at institutional and system level with the aim of building a knowledge basis for evidence-based policy-making and for promotion PHE, public awareness, identification of good practices, benchmarking and exploring study opportunities and the world of work
- Increasing the information, transparency and comparability of the provided and recognized qualifications, learning outcomes, learning environments and student experience such as work based learning to all relevant stakeholders, especially to the world of work
- Establishing alliances and synergies between education institutions among different levels and types of institutions to facilitate the sharing of experience, resources, promoting the study offers, joint projects and permeability
- Implementing and supporting new pedagogical approaches, modes of delivery and skills of teaching staff for applying a student-centred learning approach, in particular in the development of civic/transferable skills through work-based learning in traditional/formal programmes as well as in lifelong learning programmes
- Enabling flexible and fit-for-purpose quality assurance procedures that will take into account the specificities of PHE, the diversity of institutions of PHE and institutional autonomy
- Promoting Professional Higher Education to prospective students and non-traditional learners, as well as wider society, by smart communication actions about the role and mission of PHE and opportunities it provides, especially involving current PHE students, recent graduates, career counsellors and the world of work
These Recommendations are explained in detail at the PROCSEE Report “Policy Directions for Professional Higher Education in Central and South-Eastern Europe”.